Our honey is sourced directly from bee keepers of Tamil Nadu Forest. It helps to control the diabetes, increasing haemoglobin levels to improve he kidney functions and various skin aliments. Multiflora Honey is know for Endless Health Benefits.Our Honey is Handled with extreme care as it is taken directly from honey Comb to your life. It is Collected from deep forest area, free from pollution and harmful sprays Collected by trained foragers without harming bee colonies. We also pride ourselves by keeping healthy bees that are free from the use of hard chemical treatments or antibiotics. Our honey is appreciated by our clients for its quality. 100% Pure Honey - No added artificial flavour, sugars, additives or colours. Rich in Vitamins like A, C, D, E, K and B complex with amino acids, minerals and lot of live enzymes to keep you healthy. Our Honey is naturally sourced from the forest and is high on amino acids, natural enzymes, vitamins, minerals, bee pollens, probiotics and antioxidants that makes it a boon for mankind. It act as a natural immunity booster and energy booster, very effective against cough and cold. Its natural aroma and mesmerising taste add the desirable flavour to your tea and any other dish. Complete natural honey delivered at your doorstep which can be consumed as it is. Serves as a natural sweetener, and a good healthy substitute for sugar.
Pure honey harvested from our carefully managed farms, packed with natural goodness.
Rich and flavorful honey sourced from the pristine mountains.
Natural honeycomb filled with golden honey, straight from the hive.
AImonds and walnuts are rich in magnesium potassium, dietary fibre and manganese that help in reducing cholesterol in your body. Further, the antioxidant properties of honey will boost the dry ruits' ability to flush out bad cholesterol from your body.
Amla and Honey is a wonderful concoction that treats a number of ailments, particularly to offer relief from sore throat, cold, cough and flu. Amla soaked in honey is also known to stimulate liver functionality, which can help in better production of insulin.
Honey Mixed Figs are good natural energy source mmunity builder. Honey Mixed Figs gives relief from sore throat. Honey and Figs have high amount of anti oxidants and helps digestion. The high amount of Fiber in Figs help Clear Excess Cholesterol in the digestive system..
It helps you feel full for long and suppresses hunger pangs, aiding in weight loss. Besides this, these nutty delights come packed with omega 3 fatty acids, which prevent heart ailments and build immunity. Above everything else, flaxseeds are highly versatile when it comes to including them in our diet.
The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of Gulkand Honey make it a great natural remedy fo sore throats and coughs. It can also help to soothe skin irritations and improve skin health. With its unique taste and numerous health benefits, Gulkand Honey is the perfect addition to your daily diet.
Honey and garlic together offer a powerful natural remedy with numerous health benefits. This combination boosts immunity, improves heart health, and helps fight colds, coughs, and infections. It also supports digestion, detoxifies the body, and enhances energy and skin health, making it a versatile and effective health booster.
Phone: +91 9710495603
Email: info@thaenkudil.com
Address: 123 Honey Lane, Nature's Valley, Tamil Nadu, India